Smigle Lite Release

This has been long overdue but I created another theme that I mentioned in a previous post. The theme is called Smigle-Lite1 this theme is built using Hugo2 and is a modified version of the Smigle3 theme.

There was nothing wrong with the Smigle theme, however there were some changes that I wanted to make, and it reached the point where the changes were substantial enough to justify it’s own repository and being a theme in it’s own right. Most of the changes were to enhance what I actually loved about the smigle theme which was it’s simplicity to the fact that I was removing functionality that I didn’t want. The removal of this functionality also required some structured changes as it broke the layout slightly.

The main features that I have added were, latest posts at the bottom of a post, along with post navigation with simple next and previous using the post title. Then there was some recursion to allow the structure of the site to be simpler with year-month-post while retaining the same front end.

<-- Some Down Time
Environment Checker Release -->