January Workspace Update

Wanted to start the new year with an update on my current workspace. It’s getting there, there is still plenty to do. This is the first update so it will be a little longer than the future editions. So I’ll also go over the plan and some construction work done.

SMRRF 2023

On the 2nd of December I attended my first RepRap Festival, it was hosted in Oxford and was organized by the Sanjay Mortimer Foundation. I didn’t know what to expect and went with an open mind.


Considering the changes that I wanted to make to my website theme, I forked it and started making changes. I should have just read the readme file and saved some time. This seems like a lesson learned, the problem is I keep learning this lesson.

Changing My Website Theme

Updating my blog to use a more simplified theme to match my ethos on design and directness to how I like to have things. From pretty and stylized to simple, lean, and to the point. Why do this, and isn’t this a step backward?

GitHub Anxiety

I love using GitHub. I’m on there daily, it’s the center of Open Source software. That being said the activity chart on my profile sometimes fills me with anxiety. So for my day-to-day commits and development, I tend to use AWS code commit until I’m ready to share.

Devoxx Uk 2023

I was given the opportunity to attend the 2023 edition of the Devoxx UK conference. I had a great time, great talks, and sponsors were handing out swag!

QCon London 2023

This is the big one for me, it’s always a great conference, but wow they know how to charge for it. Honestly, I feel that it’s worth it.

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