Environment Checker Release

While working on the Night Sky Pi I had to run some data to work out what the issue was with the environment. Another reason for this see how close Open Weather Api1 was to readings from locally installed bme 280 sensors. These tests and results are logged with the tag moisture-battle.

So to carry out this task over the 30 day period I created Environment Checker Git Repository2. The code is rather simple it takes either a open weather api key with a location, or it takes an address for the bme 280 sensor. When the script runs, it gets a result for the temperature, pressure and humidity. With these three data points it then calculates what the dew point would be. Then the data is written to a csv file for future reference.

Once I was happy with the scripts I then wrote some unit tests and clean it up a bit and released it on Codeberg as a official release. The hope is that it will save someone else some time even though the code is rather trivial. Now that the code has been released all future changes will be tracked with issues and changelogs monitored.

<-- Smigle Lite Release